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5 Healthy Drinks to Add to Your Diet

9 Ways to Drink to Your Health

Wine, green tea, even beer: To drink for health, occasionally reach for something besides water. Here's what to drink and why.

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Sodas, sugary juices, and other calorie-packed drinks are often pinpointed as the leading cause of rising obesity rates in the United States. But research shows that if you choose the right beverages in your diet (soda isn't one of them), they can have a positive impact on your health and even weight loss.

Green tea is often cited for its health benefits, but it turns out that coffee, black tea, red wine, and even beer can be good for you, too, in moderation. And the best beverage? Plain old water, of course. Find out more about the best beverage bets for your health.

Beer for Diabetes

beer for diabetes

Hops, or more specifically derivatives of hops called humulones, are known to give beer its crisp and delicious taste. But according to new research published in the journal Angewandte Chemie International Edition, hops may soon pave the way for the pharmaceutical treatment of certain types of cancers, inflammation, and even weight loss.

Using X-ray crystallography, researchers at the University of Washington have now determined the exact structure of humulone molecules and bittering acids, created in the beer brewing process. Bittering acids found in beer have previously been praised for their health benefits. With this knowledge of the molecular configuration and how the molecules react to other substances, researchers hope to develop new pharmaceuticals to treat a number of conditions, including diabetes.

"[While] excessive beer consumption cannot be recommended to propagate good health, isolated humulones and their derivatives can be prescribed with documented health benefits," said Werner Kaminsky, PhD, research associate professor of chemistry at the University of Washington, in a press release.

And Beer for Brain Health

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When consumed in moderation — one or two a day, max — beer can protect bone health, heart health, kidney health, and brain health, and it can even reduce your cancer risk. But moderation is the key.

"There is increased mortality in those drinking three or more drinks per day, and any amount of alcohol can increase blood pressure, which is a negative risk factor for heart disease and may in turn cancel out the increase in HDL [cholesterol] that you get from the alcohol," says Gregory L. Jantz, PhD, a psychologist and certified eating-disorder specialist. "Not to mention the potential damage to the liver from the alcohol." Also remember that the calories in beer add up (hence the term "beer belly").

Water for Hydration

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If you drink nothing else, it's critical to drink plenty of water. Your body is made up of mostly water — it protects your joints, bones, and organs, helps your body digest food and remove waste, and keeps you hydrated. "Water is by far the best way to get fluids in our diet," says Janet Colson, PhD, RD, a nutrition professor at Middle Tennessee State University. "It's practically free and contains no calories or artificial sweeteners or flavoring. Actually, if we all only drank water as our beverages, we would be much healthier. We don't need any of the other beverage options."

Many people are confused about how much water to drink, but Laura Catalusci, a certified health education specialist in New York, points out that water can come from places besides your tap. "The Institute of Medicine recommends having an adequate intake of about 9 to 13 cups of water a day," Catalusci says. "It's important to remember that many other fluids and watery foods count toward that recommendation, too."

Milk for Bone Health

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Cow's milk remains controversial in some circles, but many, including the federal government, point to low-fat or fat-free milk for its important bone health benefits, especially in growing children. "It's a good source of protein, calcium, and vitamin D," Colson says. "It's great for people who are not lactose-intolerant or allergic to the protein in milk."

For vegans or people with lactose allergies, dairy-free milks, such as soy and almond, are also great choices. Many dairy-free milks are lower in calories than cow's milk and supplemented with calcium and vitamin D, so in some cases, they contain more of these essential nutritents than dairy options.

Vegetable Juice for Vitamins

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If you like drinking juice to start your day, tomato juice and other vegetable juices might be better than the traditional OJ. Besides a high water content, they are rich in a number of nutrients, including vitamin A, vitamin C, and lycopene. Plus, they don't have the high sugar content that's the downfall of a number of fruit juices, especially if weight loss is your goal.

"Vegetable and tomato juice are quick ways to get extra minerals and vitamins into your diet, especially if you do not eat a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables every day," Catalusci says. "However, they often are high in sodium, so be sure to read the nutrition facts label." Consider fresh juicing, or look for low-sodium varieties with fewer than 140 milligrams of sodium per serving.

Coffee for Antioxidants

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This favorite a.m. hot beverage has been the subject of much scientific study over the years, some of it contradictory. But according to one recent federal study, daily consumption of three cups of coffee may help you live longer. Numerous other studies have linked coffee consumption to a lower risk of diabetes, cancer, Parkinson's disease, and Alzheimer's, among other health conditions.

"Coffee has many health benefits that are mainly from antioxidants," Catalusci explains. "Antioxidants are important to maintaining good health and can help protect against certain diseases. The caffeine in coffee can also give an energy boost during the day." Just keep consumption to around 1 to 3 cups a day to avoid overdoing the caffeine.

Black Tea for Disease Prevention

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If you prefer the taste of tea, Jessica Janc, a certified sports nutritionist with the National Association of Sports Nutrition, says that black tea, whether hot or iced, offers many of the same health benefits as coffee. Black tea may provide a slight metabolic boost, and it is chockfull of antioxidants, she says. But she warns that more than a cup a day can dehydrate you, and you'll need to drink more plain water to compensate.

Green Tea for Antioxidants

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For a big-time antioxidant boost, green tea seems to have both coffee and black tea beat. "Green tea is a wonderful alternative," Janc says. "It will help hydrate the body and is very high in antioxidants. It also helps to increase the metabolism." Years of scientific study on green tea have found that it has far-reaching health benefits, with its antioxidants not only neutralizing agents that can cause aging, but also potentially lowering your risk for heart disease and certain cancers.

One caveat: Green tea also provides a slight metabolic boost, but contrary to popular belief, it does not boost your metabolism enough to produce real weight-loss results.

Wine for Heart Health

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Other alcoholic beverages can have protective health properties similar to beer when consumed in moderation. In particular, the compound resveratrol, found in red wine, has been shown to boost heart health, lower skin cancer risk, and possibly even fight fat, according to one recent study. Women who drink moderately in midlife have been shown to have a lower incidence of problems such as diabetes or Alzheimer's later in life as well. "No matter the form of alcohol, studies show that consuming one serving of alcohol daily has many health benefits, such as reducing the risk of heart attack and stroke," Catalusci says. But remember that "the most important health benefits of alcohol come from drinking in moderation — otherwise the risks outweigh the benefits."

5 Healthy Drinks to Add to Your Diet
